Pictures of Hope
What is Pictures of Hope? Pictures of Hope is a non-profit project that aims to capture the hopes and dreams of today's children in the form of photographs and help everyone reflect upon the challenges that face us all. Through the instruction and donated time of award winning photo journalist Linda Solomon and the assistance from several local Tucson businesses, a series of greeting cards will be produced and sold to raise funds for the Christina Taylor Green memorial fund (a fellow 4th grader in the Amphi school district).
How Can I Help? We encourage the public to purchase a packaged set of 30 greeting cards (priced at $20 plus any applicable shipping) that feature the photography produced by the Prince Elementary 4th grade class.
Where Does the Money Go? 100% of the proceeds from the sales of the greeting cards will go to the Christina Taylor Green Memorial fund. (Read more about memorial fund here)
Who Made this Project Possible? With underwriting provided by Lexus of Tucson, additional in-kind support was also provided by Alphagraphics and Jones Photo. Thank you very much for making this project possible!
When Will The Greeting Cards Be Ready? May 5th, 2011 is when the greeting cards will be available for distrobution. Before then, we are taking pre-orders of the greeting cards... please click the link at the bottom of this page for more information.
Where Can I Purchase Them in Person? As of right now, we are only planning on selling them online, but you may preview a sample packet of cards at Lexus of Tucson (view map), alphagraphics (view map), Jones Photo (view map), or Prince Elementary School (view map).